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Water Supply Engineering Paperback –  by B.C. Punmia  (Author), As

Water Supply Engineering Paperback – by B.C. Punmia (Author), As


Table of Contents br>Chapter 1. Water systems br>Chapter 2. Hydrology br>Chapter 3. Surface source br>Chapter 4. Ground water: Wells br>Chapter 5. Water demand and quantity br>Chapter 6. Quality of water br>Chapter 7. Br>unit operations br>Chapter 8. Screening and aeration br>Chapter 9. Sedimentation br>Chapter 10. Filtration br>Chapter 11. Disinfection br>Chapter 12. Water softening br>Chapter 13. Miscellaneous treatment methods br>Chapter 14. Pumps and pumping br>Chapter 15. Conveyance of water br>Chapter 16. Distribution of water br>Chapter 17. Water Supply for buildings br>Appendix index.

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