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SUK News 70000 Student's giving Online Exam 58400 chosen online exam option and Remained not chosen.

Shivaji University Final Year exam will start after 15 th October 2020.

Shivaji University taking online exam for Final Year students exam will be conducted after 15 th October, to conduct online exam SUK selected Pune Agency which will take all Online exam responsibility.

University was made a plan to take exam from 10'th October but offline exam protest and selection of online exam taking agency took long time because of all that SUK have to postpend final year exam.

Now SUK made final decision to choose online exam taking agency that's why exam taking process will be fast.

To take online exam by Computers They need time to Prepare online MCQ (Multiple choice Question) and upload them.

From Pune Based agency within two days agency will teach process of taking exam to the SUK exam taking Staff, professors, Final year Exam giving students are 70,000 from them 58400 students chosen to give online Exam.

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